LegendGames OpenLOCK Wizards Library

LegendGames OpenLOCK Wizards Library 3D print model


Prepare for a magical experience!Our OpenLOCK compatible Wizards Library contains a selection of re-configurable stone book cases that you can use to generate a vast range of different layouts.A set of bookcases with both filled and empty shelved versions and accessories allow for many different variations.You can also mirror these files to give you double the amount of useable models resulting in even more variety.These models are designed to work with other OpenLOCK models from LegendGames and other OpenLOCK vendors though we do not guarantee this.The original inspiration was taken from local Cathederals and Churches in the UK so we hope the attention to detail is worth it for you!

Great for any Arcane themed game, from Dungeons and Dragons to Harry Potter, Frostgrave to Heroquest - or just as really cool models for a Magicians Laboratory diorama.We have many other files that you can buy in our Necromancer range that would look great with these book cases.LegendGames has an OpenLOCK license.

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LegendGames OpenLOCK Wizards Library
Editorial No Ai License 
LegendGames OpenLOCK Wizards Library
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (31 files)1.07 GB
  • PDF (.pdf)53.6 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-02-15
  • Model ID#3585567
  • Ready for 3D Printing