Hnefatafal stack of different colored boxes

Hnefatafal stack of different colored boxes 3D print model


HNEFATAFL - CHESS VIKING - WESMstl DesignRe-design de um clássico jogo de tabuleiro, HNEFATAFL é um precursor do xadrez jogado por vikings e povos nórdicos na antiguidade, na versão deste meu projeto pessoal, 4 hordas de viking atacam um grupo de cavaleiros templários que querem seu rei da invasão bárbara.A ideia central é levar o rei com segurança para uma das fortalezas no canto do tabuleiro enquanto a vantagem de tempo do oponente, que está em menor número, deve capturar o rei. Além de ser um excelente jogo de estratégia e um ótimo item de decoração.O tabuleiro possui 50cm x50cm x3xm e as peças variam entre 7cm e 9cm de altura e uma base com o diametro de 3cm.

HNEFATAFL - CHESS VIKING - WESMstl DesignRe-design from a classic board game, HNEFATAFL is a precursor to chess played by Vikings and Norse peoples in ancient times, in the version of this my personal project, 4 hordes of viking attack a group of Knights Templar who want their king from the barbarian invasion. The central idea is to take the king safely to one of the fortresses in the corner of the board while the opponent's time advantage, which is outnumbered, must capture the king. Besides being an excellent strategy game and a great decoration item. The board is 50cm x50cm x3xm and the pieces vary between 7cm and 9cm in height and a base with a diameter of 3cm.

Andromeda-3dCreation2024-06-09 12:48:12 UTC
Oh My...
Item rating
1 0
SPMech2022-04-08 00:39:16 UTC
Beautiful models. Thoroughly recommend.
Hnefatafal stack of different colored boxes
Editorial No Ai License 
Hnefatafal stack of different colored boxes
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • PDF (.pdf) (2 files)35.5 MBVersion: 2020Version: 2020
  • Stereolithography 2020 (.stl)177 MB
  • Autodesk FBX 2020 (.fbx)182 MB
  • OBJ 2020 (.obj, .mtl)57.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-10-12
  • Model ID#3281035
  • Ready for 3D Printing