ORK Sarge

ORK Sarge 3D print model


DA FREEDOOM BOYZ COME! this is my first scale model, miniature, guy, ork for wich i take as a main asthetic american troops in ww2, because it looks cool, and also some companies out there like kromlech make ww2 german orks so, i think its fitting.

But for this one i also wanted to make my own asthetic for the ork, i lov the proportions of the old citadel orks, kromlech ones, bu i wanted at least for the high ups like sarges or kommanders lo look less gorilla like, and look more humanoid, for my future ork boyz basic infantry they would look a bit more savage and gorilla like. This ork its pre scaled so you dont have to re, scale nothing if you dont want, for comparasion i put some pics with other models there.

This set includes: The ork body attached to the legs and Tomphson, some grenades and Bowie knife for you if you want to glue here and there

Reclaim your testosteroil and spread Freedoom with Kunnin Honour and Valour... .Semper Ork!

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ORK Sarge
Custom License 
ORK Sarge
Custom License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)17.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-07-03
  • Model ID#4613005
  • Ready for 3D Printing