Regarding the review about this not fitting on a Prusa i3, it does---you have to remove all "extra" printing features, i.e., skirts and brims.
Organizer for the Deception: Murder in Hong Kong base game and the Undercover Allies expansion designed for upright storage in the retail game box.
Main brackets are labeled from bottom to top as shown in the pictures, with Bracket1 on the bottom and Bracket4 on the top. Suggest printing brackets upside-down to maximize the accuracy of the dovetails while also ensuring that the most visible surface will be the smoothest.
Print three copies of BraceLower and four copies of BraceUpper. BraceLower joins Bracket1 to Bracket2Left, while Brace Upper joins Bracket2Left to Bracket3Left and Bracket3Left to Bracket4. Tolerance is set to zero in the dovetails, but everything should still fit with a little persuasion.