Designed for 3d printing. STL file is 32mm scale. Pre-supported.
LYS file for Lychee slicer, pre-supported STL and normal STL.
License: Private Use Only, Non Commercial and No Derivatives.
Large insects found throughout the slums. They always move in swarms, scavenging for food scraps and preying on whatever crosses their path, whether it be a small animal or a human.
Enemy IntelGorger is an enemy in Final Fantasy VII Remake and Episode INTERmission. In the base game, they are fought in the Sector 5 Slums during Chapter 3 - Home Sweet Slum, and in Sector 7 Slums during Chapter 8 - Budding Bodyguard, as well as Chapter 14 - In Search of Hope. They also appear as enemies during the first chapter, Wutai's Finest, of Episode INTERmission.