13 dead end drive spare parts

13 dead end drive spare parts 3D print model


Have the cardboard characters been broken?

don't worry here you have to continue playing

base 25x25mm

(incluve detective)

photo of figures printed by theijoneffect ( thank you so much)

cluedoarchive2021-02-25 17:28:18 UTC
So cool! Can you post a pic of the INspector? There are two of the maid and none of the Inspector. Also... Any chance you're going to do the follow-up game 1313 Dead End Drive?????
celius0-02021-02-25 21:22:07 UTC
Thanks a lot! I didn't realize that the inspector doesn't have a photo, I'll upload it tomorrow! and well, in principle they are only the miniatures, I would have liked someone to be interested in them to do a reboot
celius0-02021-02-27 15:15:23 UTC
Hello! sorry for the delay, I've already uploaded the detective's render! It is not like the rest because it is a somewhat old project
izizbby2021-01-05 06:13:10 UTC
Can I purchase a full set (printed and colored/painted)??
celius0-02021-01-05 20:49:36 UTC
Hello! Thanks for your interest! but I only have the files, no company has bought the rights to sell them in physical, im sorry!
izizbby2021-01-05 20:59:23 UTC
Does anyone want to make them and I’ll gladly buy? Etsy, eBay...?
celius0-02021-01-05 21:12:48 UTC
I am going to see a company that I know and I ask them how much the printing and shipping would cost and I tell you
izizbby2021-01-05 21:18:22 UTC
Very cool! Thank you!
izizbby2021-01-05 21:19:06 UTC
Also, are the colored/painted versions you advertise just a computer rendering?
celius0-02021-01-05 21:32:30 UTC
impact miniatures you can print the models, but not with color, it is a presentation mode, since I wanted to adjust them to the original game, if you are interested in receiving them physical but without painting .. I'll give you the contact
theijoneffect2020-03-09 07:04:07 UTC
Love the files! Turning out great so far!
izizbby2021-01-05 20:59:53 UTC
Do you have any interest in making a second set? I’d love to purchase!
theijoneffect2021-01-05 23:03:43 UTC
Possibly! Were you thinking just the prints or did you want them painted also?
celius0-02021-01-05 23:43:25 UTC
the license really prevents you from doing that, because the sale is not allowed ... it is only personal use, unless you pay for the files or the one who prints it pays a license bonus
theijoneffect2021-01-06 18:48:08 UTC
Oh my apologies.
Item rating
1 0
theijoneffect2020-03-05 15:27:35 UTC
Amazing! The files are just as they are pictured! I’m going to print them with my resin printer today. Thank you for these awesome detailed miniatures!
13 dead end drive spare parts
Custom License 
13 dead end drive spare parts
Custom License 
Response 69% in 6.8h
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (13 files)615 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-12-11
  • Model ID#2193937
  • Ready for 3D Printing