Stereoscopic Holographic Home Display - Concept.
Simple stator ring, filled with a coil, for moving 2 or 4 or 8 metal magnetic balls in a rotating motion, unseen, silently hidden inside the ring. between the balls inside the ring we need spacers, springs, to keep the rotating magnetic spheres at their correct separated angles, mechanically fixed to their opposite locations on the ring. if we use 2 spheres, we need to connect them with a thin Nano strength fiber optical wire, a strong hair, that is hard to see by eye, yet light can fall on it many times per second, when projected onto the rotating string from behind the stator ring. the single rotating string, will cover 100% of the holographic displays screen area, filling a circular screen with holographic imagery.
we can use one or two spaced and angled projectors, one sending red and blue images one by one, or two projectors, each their own correct image per eye one at a time, depending if we might use 2 or 4 strings and balls later, if we need a better light output, but i will start out with a 2 ball setup for simplifying modeling purposes. the projectors must be hidden and built in to make the effect of a stargate or light portal effect more magical in its appearance, i hope i can use a very thin outer bezel and very small metallic silent balls. in a true real working model that i want to tray and make. i have to look for materials and options etc., may take me a while.
if we had a circular holographic screen, that we can have 3D projected video on, it could be a perfect digital optical camo for the Gods, hiding tunnel entrances into mountain side bases. if a hologram covers a circular hole, a Ufo disc shaped craft could even fly into it, enter it untouched by the string, as it rotated around the center. a perfect holographic entrance undistinguishable in color and appearance of the rest of the mountain ridge.
in the home it could be used for having nice video calls, a nice metal, thin, silent, flat, silverfish circular screen on a home wall, would look pretty nice imho. i can also make a standing cylindrical stereoscopic holographic display using the same technique, if we had two circles on top of each other, also connected by a single wire, we would get a nice rectangular screen when observed from the front view. can you imagine having a true 3D light portal hologram display for the home, like a stargate looking display?