Box for reading glasses, also suitable for larger glasses, the right wall when opened serves as a stand that can fit a book, phone, tablet, etc. Hard and keeps the glasses and suitable for travel, easy printing (3 pieces)I get the texture by placing the side with texture on the printing bed, and then filling it with wood filler, and wiping when the material is not yet dry, and when it is dry paints with water-based varnish, But it is possible to leave it with nothing, it is also beautiful. I also pasted a piece of cloth inside, which will keep the glasses, you can use any fabric, I took a piece from a shopping bag, fabric sizes for cutting for those who are interested are attached in the assembly folder. You need 4 nails to serve as hinges, 30 mm long and 1.5 mm thick, (cut off their head, which will remain a hinge 23 mm long) For the closure there is room for two magnets that need to be glued, between the lid and the body, a magnet 2 mm thick, and a diameter of 4 mm. The box closes well even without the magnets, it is also possible without them for those who have difficulty obtaining them, a link to a sample sales page for such magnets is attached, as well as assembly instructions and a screenshot of the print settings I used.