Cable Reel Winder Organizer

Cable Reel Winder Organizer 3D print model


With this Cable Reels you can organize your cables very easily.

  1. Pull your cable through the body part of the reel.
  2. Insert the middle of your cable in the bottom part of the reel.
  3. Screw in the top part of the reel.
  4. Wind up your cable by turning the bottom part of the reel.
  5. Unreel by pulling apart the two ends of your cable.

Addtional Details:

  • You can print all parts wihtout support.
  • Make sure to use the proper size depending on the length of your cable. You can resize the files if you need even bigger versions.
  • Print the Threadtest-files to check if your printer is correctly calibrated for printing the threads properly. Reduce the flow if it is to hard to screw in the two parts of the testfile.


  • Layer height: 0.2 mm
  • Line Width: 0.4 mm
  • Wall Line Count: 3
  • Bottom/Top Layer Count: 3
  • Infill: 30%
  • No Supports
  • Wallspeed: 30-45 mm/s when printing the threads
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Cable Reel Winder Organizer
Custom License 
Cable Reel Winder Organizer
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 1 (.stl)11.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-11-18
  • Model ID#2713188
  • Ready for 3D Printing