The Clipper Gripper

The Clipper Gripper 3D print model


The Clipper Gripper is a 3D printable device that can assist users with nail care by securingclippers in an easy to operate mechanism. It’s great for arthritis sufferers or anyone with limiteddexterity or mobility. It’s also a great tool for teaching young kids how to clip their own nails. Myfive year old grandson was able to use it without any help.

The included extension sections can be added to the base unit so you can reach your toes. Youcan use a single extension or a double depending upon your needs. The extension sections arejust under 250 mm tall, so they can be printed on many common 3D printer build platforms.

License terms are simple. Your purchase allows you to make these for yourself or for your familyand friends, but you cannot resell the models and/or sell/share the digital files. Print one for yourmom or dad, or your grandma or grandpa. Make one for an elderly neighbor and give it to themfor free. After all, I designed the Clipper Gripper to help people and to support my work. If youoperate a point-of-care facility (hospital or clinic) and want to offer the Clipper Gripper to yourpatients/clients, simply email me at to purchase a commercial license.

PRINTING ADVICE:I’ve made Clipper Grippers using PetG and even gold silk pla filaments as seen in the mainimage. The settings I used in Cura are in the 3MF project files, but you may need to makeadjustments to best suit your printer and material choices.

Use rafts to support the tall extension sections and also for the long pushrods so they don’twarp during printing. Tree supports are recommended and will help stabilize tall prints, however,normal supports should work too if tree supports are not available.

I exported my build plates as 3MF files for improved reliability and to show the settings I used. Ifyou want to work with just one item on a build plate simply click on the part you want and exportas an STL file. This is the best workflow, but separate STL files are also included.

*Designed to fit most standard large-size nail clippers that don’t have a built-in nail file.**Parts are designed with snap fit and pin connectors as shown in the diagrams.

Make with joy!

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The Clipper Gripper
Custom License 
The Clipper Gripper
Custom License 
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3D Print Modeling
Post Production

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)4.69 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)4.69 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)4.69 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-02-19
  • Model ID#4302117
  • Ready for 3D Printing