Pill box

Pill box 3D print model


Easily 3D printable model of handsome pill box.It has cylindrical shape with 7 pockets inside, one pocket for one day. There is also a thin cover with cutout for one pocket, so that you can free just desired pills. If you print the cover with transparent filament it wil be translucent and you will see through which pocket is empty and which not. The box can be closed with a robust lid using thread.

If you print another box and screw, you will be able to screw them together (bottom to bottom) and double the capacity of the box. Then it can be used for 14 days or morning and evening pills.The connection screw has a big slot to insert coin or key to tighten it properly.

Printing tip:Print the cover with transparent filament to make it translucent. You will see to the pockets.

Also check out:https://www.printables.com/social/52878-rorys3d/models

rorys3D2022-11-28 07:49:48 UTC
Unfortunately, no. You can only connect these 2 together to get a container with 14 pockets.
tinymonster2022-11-27 20:32:31 UTC
Is this infintiely stackable? Meaning could I screw on another end and another, etc?
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Pill box
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Pill box
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • IGES (.ige, .igs, .iges)4.43 MB
  • STEP (.stp)3.65 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)3.08 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-06-09
  • Model ID#3805599
  • Ready for 3D Printing