Clearance Calibration Tool for SLS Printers

Clearance Calibration Tool for SLS Printers 3D print model


The tool can be used to see what kind of tolerances should be used for models to create printed parts. Simply print everything in one go and see which of the moving parts actually move. Then you know what clearances you should use for moving parts on your model. A must for every SLS printer! A total time saver that gives you confidence that your models will work when printed.

There are bond pads for all 3 axis that can show how far apart two surfaces need to be so they don´t fuse together. There are also simple journal bearings with different clearances and a range of ball bearings with different clearances included. Cheap to print and very effective. There are also 3 spheres that can be used to measure roundness with a CCM machine.
All units are in mm.

Any questions? Drop me an email and I´ll try to help!

spooner7772013-05-28 09:53:52 UTC
You probably could but only with support everywhere and then you would have to clean it up. I will try on an Ultimaker in 3 weeks time.
Dalia2013-05-28 16:25:59 UTC
OK, share some pictures after you print it! :)
spooner7772013-05-27 12:20:02 UTC
Yes it works. About half of the moving parts actually moved, the others were bonded together.
Dalia2013-05-28 07:51:42 UTC
By the way, would it work with a FFF printer? Or only SLS?
Dalia2013-05-27 12:13:53 UTC
Looks very cool! Have you printed it?
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Clearance Calibration Tool for SLS Printers
Editorial No Ai License 
Clearance Calibration Tool for SLS Printers
Editorial No Ai License 
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    3D Model details

    • Publish date2013-05-25
    • Model ID#15257
    • Ready for 3D Printing