I developed the project to meet a professional need of my niece Yara.This case was projected to be used with REACH M2, from EMLID. But can be adapted with others brand’s GNSS module.It was developted to be used as a Multi-band RTK GNSS receiver to collect ground control points for drone mapping and to be used in general land survey.We used the BEITIAN GNSS ANTENNA BT-160, but it’s possible to use anyone that fits to your necessity.There are a list os parts that were used in this case, like multi-band RTK GNSS receiver, LoRa Radio, extension stick, power supply (powerbank), cooling fan (cooler), temperature sensor (KSD 01F), switch, connection cables, etc.
3D PRINTING SETTINGSSuggested configuration for printing (Ender 3 PRO):● Layer height = 20;● Walls = 4;● Top/bottom = 5;● Filling = 30;● Material = 235/68;● Velocity = filling 30, others 25 and 16;● Path = on;● Cooling = on (low speed);● Support = Yes (Touching the Table/Touching Buildplate) and adding support blockers for the upper parts that unduly need supports;● Table Adhesion = none (it is recommended to use some product (glue) to increase adhesion);IMPORTANT: 55º Support Angle