Hello everyone! I would like to present to your attention a very interesting candle.I took the candle design from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. The Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets candle is made in the style of the toilet in which the crybaby Myrtle lives. The candle is an absolute copy from the movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. A closed toilet for girls, in which the crybaby Myrtle lives and from where the Basilisk crawled out!The candle has an interesting feature! If the candle is not needed, it can be kept closed, and if the light is off or you need to pass it to a friend or girlfriend, you can use it immediately by simply removing the candle from the compartment. Activation of the mechanism by a simple upward movement, lifting with a key.Once you have activated the candle, you can change the direction of the light for convenience!Everything in Stl format - in the archive!