Christmas Bell Keychain - Print in Place - Hidden Ring
Can be used as keychain, tree pendant, decorative and even as a necklace for a pet.Christmas ThemedIts a print in place piece, easy to print and no supports required.You can print already on the color you'd like to use.Bell moves to sides as you shake it, making a little noise (not a metal one, ofc, just a relaxing sound of PLA shaking)Hidden ringing bell inside
Size preset at: 50x41x41mm(Feel free to resize as you prefer)
No need to assembly, it prints already in position.
Used this Cura settings on my Ender 3 Pro, printing in PLA:-Dynamic Quality: 0.16mm-Printing Temperature: 200 (220 for v-silk)-Build Plate Temperature: 70-Speed: 40 mm/s-Build Plate Adhesion Type: BrimBut feel free to change and use the settings you prefer.