Adaptive Guitar Slide Holder for Mic Stands

Adaptive Guitar Slide Holder for Mic Stands 3D print model


When I was originally tasked with creating the Stick On Slide Holder, my long-time friend and collaborator in all things musical for whom I made it (Philip Ockelford, check him out on Twitter (@tweetpyg) and Instagram ( said that since he carries multiple slides it would be nice to have a holder which could hold them all. That to me meant it would have to be about six feet long or it would have to be able to adapt to a wide variety of different sizes because there are just SO many designs out there. Since I don't have a printer six feet long, and because I like making things difficult for myself, I chose the latter option.

I'm not going to beat about the bush; this holder was an absolute little B*****D to design. This is actually the Mk3 version as Mk 1 & 2 were either too bulky, too complicated or would just take way too long to print and assemble to make them viable. So for this version I borrowed from the design of my 5-Petal Iris Gift Box; it consists of a holder barrel with a front ring which you can turn, and when you turn it the 5-petal mechanism will open and close. The outer bore of the barrel is around 30mm wide to hold larger slides, reducing down to 20mm wide when fully closed to accommodate smaller slides such as the Jim Dunlop Bare Knuckle Slide which the Stick On version was originally created for. I've included step-by-step photos of assembly, and you'll need 5 x 21mm lengths of something to use as fulcrums for the petals (I use cut-down cocktail sticks) and it'll be all ready to gig, so you can play duh blooz and use whichever slide you want to use.

PLEASE NOTE: This holder retains the slide inside by gravity only, the petals do NOT grip it firmly so if you angle the holder downwards the slide will fall out. I did this purposely; the holder is designed for 'quick draw', if you need to get it out during a solo, so therefore won't hold onto the slide and make it hard to get out. This holder therefore can only be mounted onto a mic stand and can't be adapted into a stick-on version for your guitar like the standard holder.

If you need an adaptive holder for greater range of slide widths please send a message and we can discuss what I can do for you. This holder was designed for the greatest range of slide sizes I could find but I'm sure there's many more out there I didn't see! The mic stand clip has a ratchet mechanism which will pose it at a variety of angles and has a small snaplock clip to grip firmly to your mic stand. I am developing an adaptive clip for my slide holders too which hopefully will be out soon, but this holder uses the standard clip which will fit onto a 15mm wide mic stand body/boom. If you need it to attach to a wider mic stand please again send me a message and I'll see what I can do for you.

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Adaptive Guitar Slide Holder for Mic Stands
Royalty Free License 
Adaptive Guitar Slide Holder for Mic Stands
Royalty Free License 
Response 32% in 48.0h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (5 files)2.07 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-10-18
  • Model ID#2131044
  • Ready for 3D Printing