HybridGREY Rabit-Crawl - An Inflating Costum

HybridGREY Rabit-Crawl - An Inflating Costum 3D print model


HybridGREY Rabit-Crawl Hybrid (Printable & Editable)

GREYSUITS: Suit Your Imagination & Embody Your Creation! Your premier developer for Ultra-Realistic Inflating Costumes!


My name is Michael Smith. I am the inventor, designer, engineer & presently, the sole manufacturer of GREYSUITS.

(We = "I" at the moment. Just me)

GREYSUITS is a startup business that produces ultra-realistic inflating costumes. We have developed a variety of methods to 3D print these costumes, yet the method we presently implore is patent pending. Our method enables us to print these costumes at 1/100th of the price of the present costume industries. Our mission is to create, design & produce the most realistic inflating costumes, while simultaneously delivering them at the price of a child's weekly allowance.

"*Your digital purchase signifies your belief in the expression of these ideas. All proceeds will go towards the marketing of the upcoming crowdfunding campaign. Eventually, these blueprints will become free, and only the costumes will require payment. Watch Inter-Zentium.org for updates!*"

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HybridGREY Rabit-Crawl - An Inflating Costum
Editorial No Ai License 
HybridGREY Rabit-Crawl - An Inflating Costum
Editorial No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Zbrush (.ztl, .zbp)45.4 MB

    3D Model details

    • Ready for 3D Printing
    • Publish date2016-03-14
    • Model ID#274066