One-Sided Customizable Dog Tag Fusion 360

One-Sided Customizable Dog Tag Fusion 360 3D print model


This is a one-sided customizable dog tag. It was designed in Fusion 360 and can be modified for many purposes.

Print Instructions

  • Material: PLA or PETG (two different colors)
  • Supports: No
  • Orientation:
    • Print all the pieces face down


Note: This print employs either a layer swap or the multi-pass printing method (detailed by Make Anything in Multipass Multicolor using Prusa Slicer // Single Extruder Multicolor 3D Printing). A layer swap simply involves adding a pause to your print and then changing the filament so that the text stands out against the background. Multi-pass printing is slightly more involved, but it can yield phenomenal results.

  • Layer Swap (For Single Extruder Printers)

    • Prep
      • Modify the .f3d file for your purposes
      • Export your dog tag with just the body of the dog tag and not the text in the file or download the “Dog Tag (One Sided) - Body” file for an example
      • Import that file into your slicer
      • Add a print pause so that the text contrasts with the background (as shown in the photo)
      • Ensure that the text is facing the build plate for the best results
    • Printing
      • Print the file
      • Change the filament at the pause to a contrasting color
  • Multi-Pass Printing Method (For Single Extruder Printers)

    • Prep
      • Modify the .f3d file for your purposes
      • Export your dog tag with the body of the dog tag and text in the same file or download the “Dog Tag (One Sided) - All” file for an example
      • Import that file into your slicer
      • Ensure that the entire file, including the text and the body of the dog tag, is oriented with the text facing the build plate
      • Ensure that the text is lined up with the holes in the body of the dog tag
      • Delete the body of the dog tag
      • Then slice that file with just the text
      • Undo the deletion of the body of the dog tag
      • Ensure that everything is still lined up
      • Delete the text
      • Slice the file with just the body of the dog tag
    • Printing
      • Print the file with the text, in whatever color you want
      • Remove any purge lines from the build surface, but leave the text on the build plate
      • Print the file with the body of the dog tag on top of the text
      • Change the color of the filament between the file so that the body of the dog tag contrasts with the text
  • MMU or MMS

    • Prep
      • Modify the .f3d file for your purposes
      • Export your dog tag with the body of the dog tag and text in the same file or download the “Dog Tag (One Sided) - All” file for an example
      • Import that file into your slicer
      • Ensure that the entire file, including the text and the body of the dog tag, is oriented with the text facing the build plate
      • Ensure that the text is lined up with the holes in the body of the dog tag
      • Assign one color to the body of the dog tag and one color to the text of the dog tag

If you enjoy this model, please leave a like and a comment. Please contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or problems.

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One-Sided Customizable Dog Tag Fusion 360
Editorial No Ai License 
One-Sided Customizable Dog Tag Fusion 360
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 0% in 48.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (3 files)441 KB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)699 KB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf) (3 files)325 KB
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 (.f3d)702 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-06-20
  • Model ID#5353816
  • Ready for 3D Printing