King Endymions Staff 3D Model

King Endymions Staff 3D Model 3D print model


This model is based on the Manga rendition of King Endymion's Staff, perfect to add to any cosplay of this great king.

The staff is sectioned into 7 pieces, that slide into each other quite easily. To obtain the proper length on the staff there is a connector piece sized for a 1.5-inch dowel that allows it to break down for easy travel.

Included in your download is a zip file containing the Staff head and the attachment piece. The model comes pre-cut in individual pieces set up for easy assembly.

Please do not redistribute or resell. They are intended for personal use only. Commercial use must buy a new copy for each item produced.

If you use the file please give us a shout on your posts using the @StarFall.cos or #StarFallProps tags, we'd love to see your work and show some love in return!!

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King Endymions Staff 3D Model
Custom No Ai License 
King Endymions Staff 3D Model
Custom No Ai License 
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3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)2.5 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-07-17
  • Model ID#5406966
  • Ready for 3D Printing