Greetengs! introducing Ghost of Tsushima SEIRYUU'S GLARE mask also known as NASU BABA'S WRATH (black) mask
If you want print the staps, then you need to print mask.stl or damaged_mask.stl it hase tiny strap holds so you can attach straps.
if you wnat to make straps from real rope by yourself when you can print any versions, any strap holds type will work fine.
For blue mask you need to print mask.stl
for black mask print damaged_mask.stl (in the game its damaged metal mask)
both versions are have cutted in two pieces versions (part_1 part_2 stl's)
Theres two versions of each mask, with to different strap holds type, see the picture.
you can print straps, but if you planned to wear the mask, i think the best way is to make the straps by yourself from real rope :)
dimention is 12.5 x 14.2 x 17 cm
Honor died on the beach!