DEATH TROOPER armor 1:1 scale for cosplay.
Scaled to 180cm tall human. Some piactures has size on it.
Calves cut in 2 pieces.
Helmet included, cutted in 2 and 4 pieces.
List of all items included:
helmetLeft and right shoudelsLeft and right bicepsLeft and right glove protectionLeft and right legs protectionLeft and right calvesstripes x2stripes fastenin x2stripes fastenin on stomach levl x2backcheststomachbuttgroin protectionlower backgranade x3belt armor x3belt partbelt boxammo x6forearm rocket x3specialist belt armor x2specialist belt armor2 x2visor for helmetback cylinder
E-11D RIFLE (check death-trooper-blastech-e-11d-rifle-1-1-scale.rar)