3M plague doctor mask attachment

3M plague doctor mask attachment 3D print model


Use hot glue or heat mold plastic to attach to the pegs on a 3M mask once you have popped the cover off. Fits small medium and large masks.When applied correctly, the beak does not obstruct vision much more than your nose does already. Print in PETG or PLA with supports as shown in the AMF file.Optionally, you may forgo attaching the beak to the mask, and just let the filters hold it in place. I tried this and it feels pretty sturdy.

Use a hot knife to melt through the linear divots at the corners of the mask, this is where the straps from the original cover/harness will pass through. Use a dot of superglue or hot glue to fix them to themselves in a loop

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3M plague doctor mask attachment
Royalty Free License 
3M plague doctor mask attachment
Royalty Free License 
Response 50% in 11.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)844 KB
  • amf (.amf)290 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-06-25
  • Model ID#3121755
  • Ready for 3D Printing