3d Printable section based belt for clone troopers, the side sections of the belt are made to 501st standard and molded to key fit into the belt, the belt can be resized by demand, current belt size is 98.5CM CM 38.8" long those interested in a larger version please contact me before purchasing for variation. Each box is keyed with pre-printed holes to keep the boxes spaces within regulation spec. The Boxes are intended to be made from hard plastic (I used ABS for mine) with the belt from TPU or other flexible filament.
Print Small Box 2 twice, Side Box 2 Twice, and the rest one for one.
The belt is designed to be attached in the back at the seam the seam is covered mostly by the detonator and ribbing how the belt is attached is up to your willingness though it is designed to be bolted in place at atleast one side and pegged in and velcro on the other however bolts can be used for both ideally if you are able to remove them while wearing it.