Valhalla Inspired Wide Belt buckles

Valhalla Inspired Wide Belt buckles 3D print model


Package contains 4STLs and one PDF.

  • The end claps (print twice) (for 50mm belt)
  • a buckle pin (for 50mm belt)
  • Buckle without pin (you can add your own by cutting a pin off an existing belt and glueing it in place with epoxy glue) (for 50mm belt)
  • Belt tip(for 50mm belt)

  • Pattern/blueprint for the belt which can be made out of foam or (faux)leather.

When printing the buckle and pin: use a thin metal rod to lock the pin into place. Print at 90-100%infill for the strongest result.

You have permission to create molds for casting but not to resell the product.

(c) by FBC. I just make these for fun and I sell them to fund my own costumes, so no huge profits are being made from selling them.

Thank you for showing interest in my models! I'm still learning, but I'm happy to improve my skills. I'm open for suggestions, tips, and ways to improve my models so don't hesitate to contact me. I especially enjoy modelling buckles, conchos, brooches and other small details for costumes, so if you're looking for help please send me a message and I'll see if I can help!

Disclaimer: I am a novice 3d modeller without any training or educations in modelling. The model may not be 100% screen accurate. All references available up until the 12th of July 2020 have been used. File will be updated when more references are available. You will receive a free copy of the new file if desired.

Item rating
1 0
xiacosplayandprops2020-08-08 07:07:18 UTC
files are correct and came out really nicely on my printers =)
Valhalla Inspired Wide Belt buckles
Editorial No Ai License 
Valhalla Inspired Wide Belt buckles
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 92% in 1.1h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)4.71 MB
  • PDF (.pdf)4.71 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-07-15
  • Model ID#2512976
  • Ready for 3D Printing