Grrrr..... I was trying to create this model since the morning , but I was facing some troubles about shape and finally I found the solution , so I could upload it after I came back to house , I am feeling so tired , I have no time for those obstcales that waste my time .They are acting as I do not has enough of them so they come in more numbers , do I really need more obstcals while I trying to earn from a job that do not let me earn !? What a waste of time .
I will go now to check my mail and I hope that the admins offer a good reply for my yesterday question , and I hope it end in a good case at last .
I did not expect that the forigner people would like the cheapest things to purchase , I thought you guys do not bother your selves about spending mony like 5 , 3 or even 10 dollars , why are those customers chasing me every where .