1942 FL Harley Davidson Sign

1942 FL Harley Davidson Sign 3D print model


1942 FL Harley Davidson Sign

This file can be used in either 3d printing or cnc cad software.

The file can be downloaded in an .stl format, which can be opened in most cad & cnc design software.This is a highly detailed pattern that can be 3d printed or carved in wood or many other substrates using a cnc router or mill.The .stl file can be resized in any software as needed.

This is just the .stl file for the art, you would need to import the stl file into your cad/cam software, adjust for size and depth then run it through your cam program to create the g code for the cut. If you have a cnc router you are probably already aware of this but I do get a lot of questions about it.

After your payment is processed the file will be available for download in your Etsy downloads.

The file is copyrighted you do have permission to use this file to make or manufacture items using the pattern however you do not have permission to distribute or share the digital files.

For custom changes or design work feel free to contact me here on Etsy. There is additional fees for custom work.

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1942 FL Harley Davidson Sign
Custom License 
1942 FL Harley Davidson Sign
Custom License 
Response 64% in 2.5h
3D Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)13.6 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)5.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2017-12-06
  • Model ID#816757