Woolly Mammoth Skull

Woolly Mammoth Skull 3D print model


This is a life size 3d digital model skull of a Woolly Mammoth. OBJ, ZTL, PLY, FBX and STL files. parts is seperated in Fbx formatYou cannot sell my models anywhere without my permission. you can only use them for your own hobbies and works, you can contact me for special royalties

The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction in the Holocene epoch. It was one of the last in a line of mammoth species, beginning with the African Mammuthus subplanifrons in the early Pliocene. The woolly mammoth began to diverge from the steppe mammoth about 800,000 years ago in East Asia. Its closest extant relative is the Asian elephant. The Columbian mammoth (Mammuthus columbi) lived alongside the woolly mammoth in North America, and DNA studies show that the two hybridised with each other.

desirelike2024-09-19 05:52:29 UTC
Robinson172024-07-09 22:42:42 UTC
Awesome work.....
haridon2024-03-28 10:38:46 UTC
Item rating
1 0
biblecodeman2024-12-05 23:20:47 UTC
Excellent model... Also, very professional follow up and help when I needed a slightly different file format. Five Stars!
Woolly Mammoth Skull
Royalty Free License 
Woolly Mammoth Skull
Royalty Free License 
Response 95% in 0.2h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 23 (.stl)176 MB
  • Autodesk FBX 2 (.fbx)142 MB
  • Ply 23 (.ply)72 MB
  • OBJ 23 (.obj, .mtl)163 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-01-16
  • Model ID#5031268
  • Ready for 3D Printing