Withered Freddy Fazbear, more commonly known as Withered Freddy, is the titular antagonist of Five Nights at Freddy's 2 and a returning character that appeared in Five Nights at Freddy's VR: Help Wanted. He is the older original incarnation of Freddy Fazbear.
Out of all of the original animatronics, Withered Freddy seems to be the least damaged, with only a few tears through his body.
His overall appearance, while recognizable as Freddy, is very different. He is a dirty, dry brown with tan coloring on his muzzle, belly, and in his ears. He has square teeth on his upper and lower jaw, thin black eyebrows, a black tophat, and two small half-circle ears. He has dull blue eyes and a squarish muzzle. His torso is wide and squarish, with a large round belly protruding. He has a black top hat, with matching buttons and a black bowtie on his chest. He has withering along his arms and where his kneecaps would be, wires pouring out. In comparison to the other Withered Animatronics, he is in relatively good condition.