Necklace Eye of Ra for CNC Router with Pectoral Wedjat 3d printable model cnc contain of 2 parts to be better in 3d printing
model frormats :stl,fbx,obj,3mfBound into the bandages wrapping the mummy of Tutankhamun, Howard Carter believed that this pectoral was a piece of jewelry that the king would have worn while still living. Though very beautiful, its function was primarily protective.This pectoral was found on the mummy of the king Tutankhamun, symbol of the entity of the body. The cobra goddess Wadjet wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt “Deshret”, while the vulture goddess Nekhbet wearing the White Crown of the Upper Egypt “Hedjet”. Howard Carter believed that this pectoral was a piece of jewelry that the king would have worn while still living.Necklace with Pectoral Wedjat Eye Eye of Ra for CNC Router