*Tutankhamun Statue Mysterious Figure White Crown 3d printable model*The mysterious figure in the white crown is made of wood, gesso, gold leaf, black resin, bronze, and obsidian for the eyes. It stands at a height of 65 cm (25.5 inches) and dates back to the reign of Tutankhamun from 1336-1326 BCE. It is currently housed in the Grand Egyptian Museum under the number #111 (Formerly JE 60741). The inscription on the base identifies the king as 'the good god, Nebkheperure, justified, beloved of Ta-Ta.' The identity of Ta-Ta remains a question, with some Egyptologists suggesting it could be the divine personification of the Two Lands, known as Tawy in Egyptian. However, others speculate that Ta-Ta could be a reference to Ptah, the Lord of the Two Lands, given the king's association with the White Crown. This interpretation could also support the figure being Tutankhamun himself.