Tutankhamun Anubis Shrine 3d printable model

Tutankhamun Anubis Shrine 3d printable model 3D print model


Tutankhamun Anubis Shrine 3d printable model

Anubis Shrine of Tutankhamun
The statue of Anubis was affixed to the sliding cover of a casket designed in the shape of a shrine. This shrine was positioned on a litter, which served to transport the deity's image during processions. Upon discovery, the statue was located at the entrance of the Treasure Room, oriented with its nose directed towards the funerary chamber, likely intended to intimidate potential intruders with its formidable presence.

Upon its discovery, the statue was enveloped in a linen cloth, dated to the seventh year of Akhenaten's reign, with only the head exposed. A more exquisite piece of fabric, along with a scarf and a garland of lotus and lily flowers, adorned the statue's neck. Between its front paws lay an ivory tablet belonging to a scribe, identified as Meritaten, one of the six daughters of Akhenaten and Nefertiti.

Anubis Shrine of Tutankhamun. Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 61444
Anubis, also known as Anpu, was revered as the deity of mummification, burial grounds, and the afterlife. The ancient Egyptians associated jackals, frequently seen in cemeteries, with Anubis, believing he safeguarded the deceased. He played a crucial role in the embalming of Osiris following his murder by Seth.

Anubis Shrine
The statue is crafted from wood, coated with stucco and tar. The interior of the ears, the neck bands, the eye borders, and the eyebrows are all embellished with gold; the eyes consist of calcite and obsidian, while the fingernails are fashioned from silver.

The shrine casket features two rows of alternating pairs of djed and tit symbols, which are linked to Osiris and Isis. Inside, one could find amulets made of faience, two alabaster vases, and eight breastplates.

The Shrine of Anubis as discovered within Tutankhamun's tomb
The Shrine of Anubis, as it was found in Tutankhamun's tomb, still displayed its original linen wrappings and garlands. This photograph was taken by Harry Burton in 1926.
It is evident that thieves had disturbed the casket, as the items, which were initially organized and placed in designated compartments, were discovered in a disordered state.

Anubis was represented.

Egylover2025-02-16 18:40:36 UTC
samoray2025-02-16 18:39:56 UTC
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Tutankhamun Anubis Shrine 3d printable model
Royalty Free License 
Tutankhamun Anubis Shrine 3d printable model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)115 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2024-12-28
  • Model ID#5741288