Model of beautiful tray. With monograms. Completely ready for 3D printing.Modelling - ZbrushRender - Zbrush / KeyshotBounding box 40 x26 x 3.2 sm.Модель красивого резного подноса. Полностью готов к 3D-печати.Может быть использован по назначению или в качестве заготовки для творчества. Качественная Мастер-модель для последующей отливки.Габариты: 40 x26 x 3.2 см.
A tray is a shallow platform designed for the carrying of items. It can be fashioned from numerous materials, including silver, brass, sheet iron, paperboard, wood, melamine, and molded pulp. Trays range in cost from inexpensive molded pulp trays which are disposable and inexpensive melamine trays used in cafeterias, to mid-priced wooden trays used in a home, to expensive silver trays used in luxury hotels. Some examples have raised galleries, handles, and short feet for support.