The Twilight Zone is an American science fiction horror anthology television series created and presented by Rod Serling. Each episode presents a stand-alone story in which characters find themselves dealing with often disturbing or unusual events, an experience described as entering the Twilight Zone, often with a surprise ending and a moral. Although predominantly science-fiction, the show's paranormal and Kafkaesque events leaned the show towards fantasy and horror. Serling served as executive producer and head writer; he wrote or co-wrote 92 of the show's 156 episodes. He was also the show's host and narrator, delivering monologues at the beginning and end of each episode. Serling's opening and closing narrations usually summarize the episode's events encapsulating how and why the main character(s) had entered the Twilight Zone.
Serling was named in TV Guide magazine for August 2004 as #1 among 25 Greatest Sci-Fi Legends.