Physically, Thailog bears a striking resemblance to Goliath, although with the coloring altered due to his artificially accelerated aging. As a result, its hair is white, its eyes are red, its skin is a dark purple/indigo shade, and its wing membranes are pale lilac. He often wears combat armor and a helmet, which he obtained after his escape from Black Rock Point, although he has sometimes been seen without the armor or in other clothing such as a Roman toga. Thailog is one of the Manhattan clan's most thoroughly malevolent adversaries. Thoroughly cunning and duplicitous, he will be happy to betray anyone for his own benefit, and is always willing to enrich himself at the expense of others. He also seems to have something of an Oedipus complex, both in his attempts to kill his parents, especially Goliath, and in his choice of companions (first Demona, who was Goliath's past companion, and then Delilah, a fusion genetics of Demona and Elisa). He is an archetypal bastard, and rivals Xanatos in his cunning as a trickster. After his escape from the oil rig at Black Rock Point with Xanatos' money, Thailog adopted the human alias Alexander Thailog, a reclusive financier whom no one has ever seen. In this guise he co-founded Nightstone Unlimited with Demona, and now presumably uses this name in his current position as CEO of Nightstone. The name Alexander was chosen as a tribute to Alexander the Great, the famous Macedonian king who conquered much of the known world in the 4th century BC, as an echo of his own ambitions. Thailog runs Nightstone unlimited over speakerphone, memory, and email to keep your employees learning your true nature. Thailog also seems to have a penchant for stories, as he has had several Shari tell him since she came into his service.