statue of Lord Ganesha

statue of Lord Ganesha 3D print model


This is the statue of Lord Ganesha which is Good Luck God with the Elephant Head (printable format stl file)1) Remember his SymbolismThere’s a reason why Ganesha is worshiped before undertaking new endeavors. The god of joy, happiness, and success, Ganesha has been blessing his devotees with prosperity and fortune since time immemorial. He’s thought to be the remover of obstacles, as he himself overcame lots of troubles.2) Where to Place Your Ganesh Statue Most people are not aware there are specific places to put Ganesh to reinforce the vibration of success and happiness. According to Vastu (the science of architecture in Ayurveda), the best placement of idols is the northeast corner of the house. This is also the best location to set up the pooja room (meditation spot), as it is known as the Ishan corner.3) Sitting Ganesh for the HomeThe idol of sitting Ganesha is best for the house. He represents a calm, but determined demeanor- the exact kind of energy you want at home!4) One is EnoughOn your altar, always keep only one idol of Lord Ganesha. Keeping two or more Ganesha idols counteracts their energy. You only need one to be effective!5) Remember the PurposeMore important than all these rules, remember the deep meaning behind Ganesh every time you see his image! He’s meant to show us the pathway to happiness, inner peace, and success in life. He’s a symbol of perseverance in the face adversity. He is like the human spirit, in the form of an idol.

rajibms19922022-04-12 07:03:38 UTC
good quality 3d model and good detail
nakshatra2019-08-29 19:24:39 UTC
nice one .. good job
tejas-ceo2019-03-17 08:29:31 UTC
Peaceful art piece
sandippandya20082019-03-17 08:14:40 UTC
Perfecto model
paritaranaut2019-01-29 12:03:38 UTC
looks nice and clean
Item rating
2 2
zach-silverman2022-08-05 19:33:56 UTC
This file is good.
dillip52020-08-15 02:53:31 UTC
Not Recommended
very bad, the files is not complete. it is missing surfaces.
kidrockq2020-07-09 16:32:05 UTC
pugazh1032020-07-04 08:23:43 UTC
Not Recommended
Cou;d never print it right on dremel 3d45
statue of Lord Ganesha
Royalty Free License 
statue of Lord Ganesha
Royalty Free License 
Response 80% in 1.5h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping
Post Production
3D Scanning

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)145 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-04-08
  • Model ID#880481
  • Ready for 3D Printing