Print ready moose.
Measure units are millimeters, the figure is about 25 mm in width.
Mesh is manifold, no holes, no inverted faces, no bad contiguous edges.
Available formats: .blend, .stl, .obj, .fbx, .dae
Here is three versions of the model:
1) SF_TwoSides. (blend, .obj, .fbx, .dae. stl) This files contain the snowflake that is both sided and the bail as a separate object. The model consists of 298956 triangular faces.
2) SF_OneSide. (blend, .obj, .fbx, .dae. stl) This files contain the snowflake that is flat at back side and the bail as a separate object. The model consists of 171052 triangular faces.
3) M_Head_op_hlw. And here is low poly version of model. 17988 faces, but 20364 triangles.
For stl there is versions without bail.