Sakura Penguin Fan Art

Sakura Penguin Fan Art 3D print model


Happy!!New Sakura Fan Art!! Before buying read the following DOWNLOAD THE .7zip FILE, UNZIP WITH THE WINRAR/7ZIP PROGRAM, INSIDE YOU WILL FIND THE STL FILES.

The figure is divided into parts, if you need all the parts together you can use the following tools, just drag all the files to meshmixer or windows 3d constructor and combine them.

I hope you enjoy my figures, greetings.

Item rating
1 0
dianafernandes89612023-04-03 12:27:50 UTC
Great Model. Probably one of the best STL I have purchased. From someone who 3D prints because they like painting and assembling Garage Kits, having a model where you have weapons and hands as two separate pieces is not very common and must be congratulated as it makes it so much easier to paint and shows the sculpter takes that into account. Really happy with my purchase
Sakura Penguin Fan Art
Editorial No Ai License 
Sakura Penguin Fan Art
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 100% in 0.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)40.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-08-10
  • Model ID#3922926
  • Ready for 3D Printing