Pantherophis obsoletus-High-end 3D print model

Pantherophis obsoletus-High-end 3D print model 3D print model


*STL 3D Print File- Ground SnakePantherophis obsoletehigh polygonincluding tongue (with magnet attachment, ) base and wall bracket*

On our website, we have many important tips and specific guidance for you on how to print our STL and 3MF models

NoticeThe files are ideal for 3D printing and are deliberately not overloaded. We recommend matte black filament or resin. (wall mount and base)Printing Instructions.zipTonge.stlTonge_Hole.stlTonge_Hole_34.stlTongeSM.stl

The pedestals and the wall mount are included in the package free of charge2 flat sockets2 normal sockets2 steep bases1 wall mount1 corner wall bracket

All bases and wall brackets can be printed without any supportsWe recommend printing the bases as densely as possible so that they have the necessary weight to support the head sculpture.

License: This file is subject to the Royalty Free License.This means: Restrictions on the usual license definition:Printed or otherwise formatted versions from this file may be used and sold in any size and design, including commercially, if the licensor QU3D is named.The file (the 3D file, STL, or other format) as such may not be modified or sold! Our STL files are protected with a digital watermark!Please talk to us about your project or your change requests, we are open to dialogue.

Design + Copyright: Bernhard Queißer - - Germany

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Pantherophis obsoletus-High-end 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
Pantherophis obsoletus-High-end 3D print model
Royalty Free License 
Response 64% in 12.8h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)105 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-08-19
  • Model ID#3219270
  • Ready for 3D Printing