Pteranodon Skull 3d Print Model

Pteranodon Skull 3d Print Model 3D print model


This is a life size 3d digital model skull of a Pteranodon. OBJ, ZTL, PLY, FBX and STL files. jaw is seperated.You cannot sell my models anywhere without my permission. you can only use them for your own hobbies and works, you can contact me for special royalties

Pteranodon (/tɪˈrænədɒn/); from Ancient Greek πτερόν (pteron, wing) and ἀνόδων (anodon, toothless) is a genus of pterosaur that included some of the largest known flying reptiles, with P. longiceps having a wingspan of 6.5 m (21 ft). They lived during the late Cretaceous geological period of North America in present-day Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, South Dakota and Alabama.[1] More fossil specimens of Pteranodon have been found than any other pterosaur, with about 1,200 specimens known to science, many of them well preserved with nearly complete skulls and articulated skeletons. It was an important part of the animal community in the Western Interior Seaway.[2]

Pteranodon was not a dinosaur. By definition, all dinosaurs belong to the group Dinosauria; Pteranodon belongs to the group Pterosauria. Nonetheless, Pteranodon is the most famous pterosaur, frequently featured in dinosaur media and strongly associated with dinosaurs by the general public.[3] While not dinosaurs, pterosaurs such as Pteranodon form a clade closely related to dinosaurs as both fall within the clade Avemetatarsalia.

haridon2024-03-30 10:26:36 UTC
mnostva2024-01-20 18:59:29 UTC
Nice model!
7ka2024-01-12 19:32:30 UTC
awesome :)
Hypetech-3d2023-02-12 08:45:04 UTC
Nice work..!
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Pteranodon Skull 3d Print Model
Royalty Free License 
Pteranodon Skull 3d Print Model
Royalty Free License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ 22 (.obj, .mtl)161 MB
  • Stereolithography 22 (.stl)174 MB
  • Ply (.ply)71.1 MB
  • Autodesk FBX 22 (.fbx)103 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-12-03
  • Model ID#4145637
  • Ready for 3D Printing