

  • Pokémon ornament for Christmas tree, Squirtle model.

Squirtle is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in the first generation. It is one of the starter Pokémon that trainers starting their adventure in the Kanto region can choose, along with Bulbasaur and Charmander.

Squirtle is shaped like a semi-aquatic turtle with a bluish hue, its carapace is brown, the peripheral plates are white and finally its plastron is a cream hue, it has a tail with a rolled tip, as well as three fingers on each of its fingers. limbs, a mouth with a beak-shaped tip characteristic of turtles and large reddish eyes.

At birth its back swells until it forms a shell, at first it is soft and elastic, if you hit it it will bounce, but as time goes by it will harden to resist the attacks of any threat, hiding inside it when it feels danger, when being hidden can release enormous water pressure from within when given the chance. Its shell not only serves as protection, with its rounded shape and the indentations it has, they serve to reduce its resistance in the water and thus be able to swim at enormous speeds. In addition to shooting high-precision jets of water from its mouth, it can also shoot foam and use its hard shell to attack. It is always seen near bodies of water, whether fresh or salt water. This content comes from wikidex.net, and must be given attribution to its authors, as specified in the license. Its use is prohibited to PlagioDex (the FANDOOM wiki), for repeatedly copying without giving attribution.

Z: 60mm.

  • Pokémon ornament for Christmas tree, Charmander model.

Charmander is a Fire-type Pokémon introduced in the first generation. It is one of the starter Pokémon that trainers starting their adventure in the Kanto region can choose, along with Bulbasaur and Squirtle.

Charmander is a small, bipedal, dinosaur like Pokémon. Most of its body is colored orange, while its underbelly is a light yellow color. Charmander, along with all of its evolved forms, has a flame that is constantly burning on the end of its tail. The intensity with which it burns is an indicator of the physical and emotional state of this Pokémon. When the intensity of the flame is low, your health may be at risk. When burning normally, Charmander is healthy and cheerful. When his tail flame burns brighter, it's because he's angry, and if his tail flame turns blue, it's because he found a strong and worthy rival. If the flame disappears or goes out, I would die

As a natural ability, Charmander can produce flames inside of itself and project them from its mouth, meaning that it can breathe fire. The power of its flame attacks can be gauged by the size of the flame on its tail.Charmander is the pre-evolved form of Charmeleon.The flame on its tail indicates Charmanders life force.If it is healthy the flame burns brightly.If it is weak the flame burns weakly.Its height is 200` and his wieght is it has no items.You recieve him from professor oak in pallet town.

Z: 60mm

  • Pokémon ornament for Christmas tree, Bulbasaur model.

Bulbasaur is a Grass/Poison-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It is one of the starter Pokémon that trainers starting their adventure in the Kanto region can choose, along with Squirtle and Charmander.

Bulbasaur is a quadruped Pokémon with green color and darker spots of geometric shapes. His head represents about a third of his body. On its forehead there are three spots that can change depending on the specimen. It has small, pointed ears. His eyes are large and red. The legs are short with three claws each. This Pokémon has a bulb planted on its back from birth. This seed grows and develops throughout the Bulbasaur's life cycle as its evolutions happen. The bulb absorbs and stores the solar energy that Bulbasaur needs to grow. They say that the more light the seed consumes, the more odor it will produce when it opens. On the other hand, thanks to the nutrients that the bulb stores, it can go several days without eating.

Bulbasaur's bulb helps him defend against enemies and from it he can fire attacks such as solar beam and drains among others.

It is not very rare to find it in gardens and areas near water sources. It is also often found in deep wooded areas. They can be attracted by the scent of flowers. Bulbasaur is omnivorous, although if it doesn't find food, its bulb absorbs the sun's energy for photosynthesis and allows it to go days without eating. They say that in the morning its bulb opens and catches the first Pokémon that falls due to its irresistible smell.

Z: 60mm.

ESPAÑOL:Adorno de Pokémon para árbol de navidad, modelo Squirtle.

Squirtle es un Pokémon de tipo agua introducido en la primera generación. Es uno de los Pokémon iniciales que pueden elegir los entrenadores que empiezan su aventura en la región Kanto, junto a Bulbasaur y Charmander, exceSquirtle es un Pokémon de tipo agua introducido en la primera generación. Es uno de los Pokémon iniciales que pueden elegir los entrenadores que empiezan su aventura en la región Kanto, junto a Bulbasaur y Charmander.

Z: 60mm.

Adorno de Pokémon para árbol de navidad, modelo Charmander.

Charmander es un Pokémon de tipo fuego introducido en la primera generación. Es uno de los Pokémon iniciales que pueden elegir los entrenadores que empiezan su aventura en la región Kanto.

Z: 60mm.

Adorno de Pokémon para árbol de navidad, modelo Bulbasaur.

Bulbasaur es un Pokémon de tipo planta/veneno introducido en la primera generación. Es uno de los Pokémon iniciales que pueden elegir los entrenadores que empiezan su aventura en la región Kanto.

Z: 60mm.

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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)240 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-12-10
  • Model ID#4159567
  • Ready for 3D Printing