ENGLISH: Pain and Panic are the secondary antagonists of Disney's 1997 animated feature film Hercules. They are minions, a demonic duo capable of morphing into any shape imaginable, carrying out Hades' dirty work.
Neither Pain nor Panic are especially loyal to Hades, and serve him only because they fear him and possibly because he owns their souls. They appear to be immortal and capable of regeneration, but due to being demonic rather than godly, both imps are capable of feeling pain.
Their shape-shifting abilities extend to being capable of shifting only part of their bodies, shifting into shapes both larger and smaller than they are, and even more importantly, merging into a single form; however, this seems to be a more temporary and harder-to-control ability. Their shifting abilities do not seem to extend to voice-mimicking, and they have to do the best they can with their own voices.
Hades uses them as pawns in his schemes, including keeping an eye on Megara, shifting into bunnies, gophers, chipmunks, and birds to do so, and when he loses his temper, he occasionally uses them as punching bags.
Z: 30cm
SPANISH: Pena y Panico son los antagonistas secundarios de la película animada de Disney de 1997, Hércules. Son secuaces, un dúo demoníaco capaz de transformarse en cualquier forma imaginable, llevando a cabo el trabajo sucio de Hades.
Ni Pain ni Panic son especialmente leales a Hades, y le sirven solo porque le temen y posiblemente porque es dueño de sus almas. Parecen ser inmortales y capaces de regenerarse, pero debido a que son demoníacos en lugar de divinos, ambos duendes son capaces de sentir dolor.
Sus habilidades para cambiar de forma se extienden a ser capaces de cambiar solo una parte de sus cuerpos, cambiando a formas más grandes y más pequeñas que las que son, y aún más importante, fusionándose en una sola forma; sin embargo, esta parece ser una habilidad más temporal y más difícil de controlar. Sus habilidades para cambiar de forma no parecen extenderse a la imitación de la voz, y tienen que hacer lo mejor que pueden con sus propias voces.
Z: 30cm