This is a life size 3d digital model skull of a Nile Crocodile. OBJ, ZTL, PLY, FBX and STL files. jaw is seperated.You cannot sell my models anywhere without my permission. you can only use them for your own hobbies and works, you can contact me for special royalties
The Nile crocodile, whose body shape has remained fairly constant over the last 65 million years, is a member of the group called archosaurs. Other members include dinosaurs, flying reptiles and ancestors of the world's birds. Nile crocs range over most of Africa south of the Sahara and the island of Madagascar where water can be found. They are one of the three species of crocodiles in Africa and one of the largest species of crocodilian found anywhere. Their brains and hearts are more advanced than other reptiles. Like birds, crocs have gizzards and a four-chambered heart. Crocodiles have 64-68 teeth. Their skin can readily be distinguished from alligators and caiman by the presence of the sensory 'dermal receptor pits' on the majority of their scales, which the latter only have around their jaws. Exceptional crocodiles have reached lengths of 20 feet and 2,000 pounds, but a size of 16 feet and 500 pounds is more common