With cabalistic incantations and vestments of feather and bone, the heretic Witch Doctor Nazeebo of the Umbaru tribe calls upon spirits from the Unformed Land to aid him in battle. Few outlanders ever encounter a Witch Doctor in the flesh, without losing their own. Hello everyone!This is my sculpt of Blizzard's Diablo III, Nazeebo Voodoo Mask (as I am a huge fan of Blizzard).The model needs supports that are easy removable. I have a photo of the slice and the printed pieces so you can cut/orient the model like the one in the photos. Feathers Merged file is the feathers in one piece in case you want to cut it in a different way.NOTE: the Base file is not the one in the photos! I made a new one, bigger and steadier.Feel free to ask me anything you want!