Combined for one piece printing with supports from Zbrush, but you can always slice to pieces in free software like flashprint, with dragging and cutting and save as STL from there. Comes also in parts, character and base.
Zorah Magdaros is a colossal semi-aquatic Elder Dragon covered in a rocky hide. It has turtle-like characteristics, bearing a mountainous shell on its back that it can retreat under while walking on all fours, as well as a beaked mouth. Fire, smoke, and lava constantly radiate from the creature's shell, making it more akin to a walking volcano than a typical creature. Zorah has three magmacore organs located on its back and a fourth on its head that act as weak points.
Zorah Magdaros is an enormous monster whose stature and rock-like hide offers it incredible strength and durability. It can smash through fortifications and terrain without issue and is effectively impervious to normal attacks, although siege weapons such as ballistae, cannons, and Dragonators can still harm it. It is relatively docile and tends to ignore most threats despite the collateral damage it causes by moving around, but will fight back with the massive weight of its physical blows when sufficiently angered. Zorah Magdaros' body constantly spews magma from crater-like vents all over its hide and carapace, as well as its magmacores. It can weaponize this as a rain of lava bombs, and it is also capable of breathing massive gouts of magma and flame from its mouth.