Max Mayfield and Vecna

Max Mayfield and Vecna 3D print model


With Stranger Things series 4 in full swing I have designed Max Mayfield under

Vecnas Curse hovering over his Evil claw!!

I have tried to be as screen accurate as poss including her trainers and watch.

Designed to be used as individual stand alone pieces or as joint piece, so there are no location lugs etc and both models are Uncut.

Some may want to stick her to the wall or hang with fishing wire.

If they are used together I just positioned her where I wanted and glued her to Vecna once in position.

Printing : I printed @ 150%

Vecnas hand I tilted slightly and hollowed with 70% med auto supports and Max was print at about 35 deg with 70% med auto supports (chitubox)

upside down so her feet printed last.

I printed both on the Saturn for detail, however I did print Vecnas Hand on my Prusa flat on the bed with no supports and it came out fine.

Primed then painted with Vallejo Acrylics.

Hope you like...

emporium-3d2024-07-18 05:24:41 UTC
Hi, It could be done but it’s fairly time consuming!! Have you thought about cutting it up in the slicer!?
panzercannon012024-07-18 21:30:45 UTC
I did, but the slicers all cut along full planes, which is annoying when I want to cleanly cut the arms off and end up with the choice of either leaving half the arm still on or slicing through half a torso and legs, or leaving some bits cut floating in mid air.
panzercannon012024-07-17 21:57:41 UTC
Is it possible you can upload it in pieces, with connectors? I want to print it at 2x on my resin printer but it's too big to do all at once. If you don't feel like breaking it up with connectors, could you upload the .step files so I can do so?
Item rating
3 0
toshyart2024-01-03 12:04:26 UTC
Fantastic detail, I used the Max figure alone to create a diorama and it worked fantastically, having her printed at roughly 10cm tall, mounted on thin acrylic rods so she 'floats' above the ground. Also printed with fantastic clarity and detail at 2cm tall.
dirtyfacedkid2022-11-14 16:33:48 UTC
Beautiful model! Perfect. Printed great (resin)
lucie-jetelina2022-11-11 23:33:54 UTC
Perfect model. I love it!
Max Mayfield and Vecna
Custom License 
Max Mayfield and Vecna
Custom License 
Response 93% in 1.8h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)127 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-06-22
  • Model ID#3830889
  • Ready for 3D Printing