I present to you MACHIKO NOGUCHI from ALIEN VS PREDATOR, The story behind this character is that Machiko Noguchi is the only Human accepted by the Predators within the Broken Tusk Clan, she was the only survivor after the uncontrolled plague of Aliens on the planet Ruyshi. She received her bleed mark after murdering an Alien Queen. She is a very loved and appreciated character due to her strong ties to Japanese culture, especially the Samurai. Statue of 250 mm, ready for printing by parts, includes stl files. Do not forget to leave a comment and your assessment, it is important to me, I love knowing what you think of the work, in addition to what things could improve. As always, I encourage everyone to show me what you guys do with my MACHIKO's model (photos, videos, etc.). If you are satisfied with my statue, I would greatly appreciate it if you would leave a decent review and rating. I will be very happy if you also credit me with your work through any of my profiles below. Thank you for your support, if you have any questions ask me, I will be attentive to answer your question.
3D printing and masterful painting of Marshall Boswell
Instagram: @michelballares Artstation: https://www.artstation.com/sephon66 facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Sephon66Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/sephon and remember FOLLOW THE MEDUSA!!!.
Michel Ballares