Buzz Lightyear, a Space Ranger for Star Command, and his commanding officer and best friend, Alisha Hawthorne, explore the inhabitable planet T'Kani Prime with their new recruit, Featheringhamstan. They are forced to retreat to their scout ship after discovering that the planet harbors hostile life forms. Buzz damages the ship during the retreat, forcing the crew to evacuate for repairs and continue their journey. A year later, the crew has built a fledgling colony along with the infrastructure needed to carry out repairs. Buzz offers to test hyperspace fuel, a key component of the repairs. However, after a four-minute test, he discovers that four years have passed on T'Kani Prime, due to the effects of time dilation from traveling at relativistic speeds. Buzz is introduced to Sox, a robotic feline, and continues testing the hyperspace fuel. With each trial, four more years pass on T'Kani Prime, until finally over 62 years have passed. During this time, the colony develops as Alisha starts a family with his wife Kiko, who later dies of old age.