This sculpture depicts a beautiful leopard running. The leopard looks straight ahead, and its body is very bent and legs are raised demonstrating its robustness and agility. With its long tail flowing in the wind, the leopard has a streamlined body and appears brave and powerful.
Developer-recommended FDM printing settings:
Material of printing: PLA
Slicer based: Ultimaker CURA v5.0.0Head:Layer Height: 0.08mmWall lines: 2Suports: ONInfill:15~30%Infill patern: Gyroid or octet
Body part1:Layer Height: 0.1mmWall lines: 3Suports: ONInfill:25~30%Infill patern: Gyroid or octet
Body part2:Layer Height: 0.1mmWall lines: 3Suports: ONInfill:25~30%Infill patern: Gyroid or octet
Body part1:Layer Height: 0.1mmSuports: ONInfill: 100%
Pedestal:Layer Height: 0.18mmWall lines: 4Suports: OffInfill: 20%Infill patern: Gyroid or octet
When attaching the parts with the glue, make sure the parts are aligned.
Model dimensions:Sculpture: 130x54x308mmPedestal: 25x74x146mm
Observation:-All files checked and optimized by AutoDesk Netfabb to avoid 3D printing issues.-It is recommended to sand all parts before gluing to avoid imperfections.-IMPORTANT!: Please this model is for personal use only! Do not use for commercial purposes without my authorization! you could be sued for this! thanks :)