I had the pleasure of being able to dedicate myself to working on a fan art figure that marked my childhood, those nights in front of my 486 trying to decipher with Guybrush Threepwood what path to take and spin a paper wheel to defeat pirates, those moments that SUDDENLY LeChuck appeared, the first Undead I met, it was scary and a lot of imagination because in the end they were just very big pixels!Today I made it collectible, in my own way and at my own pace!He can't go to Melee Island anymore, he's going to my ledge! with his Vodoo doll
Spanish:Tuve el placer de poder dedicarme a trabajar en una figura fan art que me marco la infancia, esas noches frente a mi 486 intentando descifrar junto a Guybrush Threepwood que camino tomar y hacer girar una rueda de papel para vencer a los piratas, esos momento que de REPENTE aparecia LeChuck el primer Muerto Viviente que conoci, daba miedo y mucha imaginacion por que al final eran solos pixeles muy grandes! Hoy lo hice coleccionable, a mi modo y a mi ritmo!Ya no puede ir a Isla Melee, va a mi repisa! con su muñeco Vodoo
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