2023-03-08 17:13:32 UTCmardemmouraf
Do you have blade of athena in high quality?
Exported with 65mm length scale.
Model separate in two parts:A - Main blade bodyB - Blade holder
There is 3 different models for holder to proper fit in different needs and likes.
Model test-printed and pre-supported!
Blades of Chaos for 3D printing! Perfect for either collecting, decorate your backpack making a keychain out of it, or even cosplay prop with a huge badass print size!
3D PRINTING SETTINGSPrinted with Elegoo Mars 2 Pro;Elegoo waterwashable grey resin;2,6s exposure time;40s bottom layer exposure time;80mm/m lift speed;150mm/m retract speed;7mm lift distance;
The length of 65mm wich I exported is the minimum size I would recommend to print